Safe Deposit

Safe Deposit
First Security Safe Deposit Co. was established January 19, 1957 and has been a part of First Security Trust and Savings Bank ever since.
Products offered are as follows:
Box Size** | Annual Rental Fee* |
Box Size** 2 x 5 | Annual Rental Fee* $18.00 |
Box Size** 4 x 5 | Annual Rental Fee* $25.00 |
Box Size** 2 x 10 | Annual Rental Fee* $40.00 |
Box Size** 5 x 10 | Annual Rental Fee* $65.00 |
Box Size** 10 x 10 | Annual Rental Fee* $125.00 |
A 20% discount can be achieved by having your annual rental payment directly debited from any checking/savings account at First Security Trust and Savings Bank.
Key Deposit | $10.00 |
All past due rentals will be charged a monthly late charge fee, equal to 10% of the annual rental according to the original price of your safe deposit box.
A delinquent safe deposit box will be drilled for non-payment, according to the time designated in your contract.
*rates subject to change without notice.
**not all safe deposit boxes are available at all times.